You can accelerate, strengthen, and increase ever the simplest process of your body by gaining a larger vision of its capacity. The action of the stomach is governed by a nerve center called the solar plexus, which is in close touch with the thinking center in your head. If your thoughts are excitedly or in-harmoniously active, the orderly process of digestion becomes disturbed. The spiritual remedy is: Cultivate a peaceful, trustful state of mind. Eat in a leisurely manner, and dispel worldly cares from your mind. Think about what you are eating. Put your conscious thought into your food, and it will carry that thought in its journeys through your organism. Do one thing at a time. Eat with a purpose. Choose your food, and praise and bless every mouthful.
After eating, rest for a time or engage in some pleasant line of thought or conversation.
The following line of thought is good to take up for the healing of indigestion, dyspepsia, and so on:
My understanding is established in Spirit. I know the relation between mind and body, between thought and substance. I agree with what I eat, and what I eat agrees with me. I do not resist or antagonize anybody or anything. I am at peace with my fellowman and all things. My stomach is strong, wise, and energetic, and I always think and speak of it as being thoroughly capable of doing its work.
I do not impose upon my stomach by overloading it. I am guided by divine wisdom in eating and drinking, and I follow its guidance instead of sense appetite. I am neither hurried nor worried, and rest after each meal, in thought at least, from all the cares of life, and I give my stomach opportunity to do its perfect work under divine law.
Some people have a habit of saying that certain foods do not agree with them. The fact very often is that they disagree in their minds with the food, and that causes the food to seem to disagree with them. They should see that their food is really good and nourishing and then agree with it, and so become willing to eat the good of the land thankfully and without fear. A good tonic for your stomach is to always look on the bright side of everything.
A good prayer is:
I am at peace. Divine order is now established in my stomach and whole digestive system.
Your bowels are intelligent. They know how to do their work and will do it if only they have a chance. Undue hurry or worry, feat of lack, of disease, of trouble of all kinds, and many other error thoughts interact throughout your organism.
To heal constipation, focus on these freeing thoughts:
I gladly let go of all tense, grasping, hurried, holding-on thoughts. The mighty, cleansing power of the Christ life is now active in me and through me, and all waste and refuse are eliminated from both my mind and body.