Through man, God is forming or manifesting outwardly that which exists in the ideal. Every idea projects form. The physical body is the projection of man’s consciousness. He carries the body in his mind. The body is the fruit of the tree of life which grows in the midst of the garden of mind. If the body-idea is grounded and rooted in Divine Mind, the body will be filled with a perpetual life flow.
The human organism has a world of latent energies waiting to be brought into manifestation. The human body is undoubtedly the most powerful dynamo in existence for the carrying on of life. By thought, speech, and deed the Christ Mind is brought into manifestation.
The body is made up of cells. The presiding ego of I AM in each organism determines the particular kind of impulse that the cells shall radiate. Some are in a radiant state. Some are in a crystallized form. The field of dynamic energy is limitless.
Crystalizing of these radiant thought forms is the result of affirmation in man’s that his body is material instead of spiritual. The affirmative state of mind is a binding, holding process. It involves all thoughts and all thought manifestation that come within its scope. If he affirms the reality of matter and of the physical body he forms a material picture that works itself out in flesh. If man affirm his unity with the life, substance, and intelligence of God, he lays hold of these spiritual qualities.
Thought is the builder of your body. Your body is moved by thought. Thought not only moves the external members of your body, but it controls the fluids flowing within your body. Your body has power to replace worn parts. When it is in harmony it never wears out.
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