There should be no such word as “incurable.” In the first place, what does “incurable” mean? According to the dictionary it means not susceptible to being cured. If you say that something is incurable, you are saying it is not sensitive to care, which is not at all true. Your body is made up of trillions of living cells. Every living cell, whether healthy or dis-eased, is sensitive. Cells must be sensitive to stay alive.
The Truth is: The dis-eased cells are sensitive to whatever they receive. If your cells do not respond to the treatment you give them, in a way that pleases you, the trouble is not in the cells but in what you give them. If you care for someone, you love him and constantly bless him with your good thoughts. Doesn’t it make good sense, then, to do the same with your cells?
All living organs are sensitive. Life is necessary to sensitiveness and sensitiveness is necessary to life. They are virtually synonymous. Therefore there is no such thing as an incurable dis-ease.
The best treatment you can give to every cell of every organ of your body is love. You can literally love them into health and wholeness. Tell them often they are alive with the activity of Divine Love. Therefore, they are perfect now. (Adapted from: Heal Thyself by Ruthanna Schenck)