IF THERE IS the appearance of disease in your body, remember that your body has the capacity for restoration and renewal
When faced with the appearance of ill-health, keep your thoughts on the life and perfection of God as the reality of your being. You are whole and well now!
Healthy Affirmation: Regardless of the appearance, as a spiritual being, I am always whole and well; alive and healthy.
FORGIVENESS is a conscious choice to let go, to move past feelings of resentment
Forgiveness is freeing yourself from damaging thoughts and emotions. Forgiveness is love, and love is healing energy. As you forgive, your whole being is flooded with love, joy, peace, and healing energy.
Healthy Affirmation: Forgiving myself and others, I am filled with love, joy, peace, and healing energy.
TO BE the vibrantly alive person God created you to be, think thoughts of health and healing
Speak words of life and vitality to yourself and your body. Every cell of your body responds to your thoughts and words. Choose to think and speak words of life, love, peace and joy.
Healthy Affirmation: I am filled with life, love, peace and joy, and I am alive and healthy now!
HEALTH Is Your Real Nature
Relax and rest in this realization. Be grateful for the healing energy of divine love now moving throughout your body. Feel it. Allow yourself to feel this mighty energy, that is God in you, keeping you alive and healthy now.
Healthy Affirmation: Health is my real nature. I feel the powerful healing energy of divine love in every cell of my body. I am always alive and healthy now.