- The first step in the realization of life and health is to know God as life, abundant, unfailing omnipresent, eternal.
- The second step is to make conscious connection with the life of God always present in your body by declaring your oneness with it.
- The third step is actually to express that oneness in inspired activity. You can enjoy fullness of life by realizing that you live in a virtual sea of life, and by refusing to allow any thought to enter your mind that inhibits the flow this universal life-energy.
You live, move and have your being in this omnipresent life-energy. When you think of your life as spiritual, every faculty will be to quickened with new life. Your life will never wane when you keep in the consciousness of this this life-giving spiritual activity. Thus, you will increase and express it fully in your body.
As you continue in this consciousness, your body will become more and more alive with this spiritual life-energy, and your body is made whole.
You are wise to think life, talk life, and see yourself filled with the fullness of life. Every time you think life, speak life, rejoice in life, you are setting free and bringing into expression in yourself, more and more of divine life-energy. Within you is the place of abundant life, and you can fill your mind and body, your surroundings, and your affairs, with happy, free, and radiant life by exercising and expressing unwavering faith in it.
Affirm Health
It is hard to demonstrate healing as long as your mind insists on affirming sickness. Two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time. If you give sickness preference, it will hold it advantage. When you affirm health as resolutely as you have been affirming sickness, you clear out of your mind the old condition, and you will be healed.vgt
“O thou of little faith, wherefore did you doubt?”
Why do you question? Why do you look at the outside appearance to discern or judge the progress you are making? Jesus said, “Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Right judgment is always the judgment of your true, inner spiritual self, and it is always on the side of Truth—the truth of your being, which is wholeness and perfection.
The moment you look at the outside appearance of anything and judge by it alone, you hinder the law of faith in its working in and for you.
The moment you begin to question or doubt, or say that the cold or the headache or something else is not gone—when you say, for instance, “My eyes are still weak”—or that moment when you put a thought to work that tends to counteract your faith and hinder your demonstration. You thus work against your own success.
If you persist in looking at the outside appearance of that which you want to get rid of, it will stay, because you bind it to you. It is a law that you become like that which you hold in mind. Therefore, be sure to hold in mind, think on, only what you wish to become like and what you wish to have manifested in your life.
Thoughts of fear, anxiety, worry, dread, and suspense cause your mind to become tense, and shut out the consciousness of the great Helper, the Spirit of Truth. Declare silently:
I am now free from fear, anxiety, worry, dread, and suspense.
I have faith in the Holy Spirit and I trust it to protect me, to provide for me,
and to bring all of my affairs into divine order.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Be Kind to Your Body
Do not condemn your body, neither resent pain. Condemnation and resentment cause tension, and this hinders the work of spirit. Look upon pain as an indication of a need for calling for adjustment, and use your words wisely.
Lift up and renew and redeem your body by pouring into it words of love, joy, and praise; the Christ life present in every atom of your being will respond with renewed and peaceful activity.
Think how many human ills can be remedied by the healing power of love! It is a solvent for selfishness, greed, hatred, envy, jealousy, revenge, criminal intent, and a score of other mental and physical enemies. The error emotions generate currents of thought that burn up the body cells and lead to inharmonious conditions of all kinds in your consciousness, in your body, in your affairs. The remedy is love, peace, and harmony. Love must be cultivated until it becomes the keynote of your life.
When you open your consciousness to the spirit of forgiveness, it is easy to forgive, you do it as naturally as you breathe. You find it hard only when you strive and struggle in your outer mortal self to forgive. When you know the all-forgiving love of Universal Mind, when you know that you are the image and likeness of that Mind, you have the mastery of your own mental acts, you do not yourself to be burdened by conflicting thoughts, which react in your body. There is a law of forgiveness that sets you free. You can learn this law and be free.
Be alert to make your way smooth. Meet all apparent obstructions without opposing the force of mortal ignorance. It is so much easier to get along when you forgive all people and all conditions; weather, heat, cold, and all restrictions of life that seem hard. The forgiving Spirit does not limit its freeing work in any way.
It is always good to emphasize entire wholeness in your prayers for health. Even though you speak the healing word for a particular part of your body that seems to be in greatest need of harmony,always end your prayer with a thought of being totally whole. Realize your oneness; know that in you there is no separation. Declare often in full faith:
and I am made perfect, whole, and complete.
I am being renewed daily in the spirit of my mind,
and I am healed in every wonderful way now.
Deny All Limiting Thoughts
If you hold the erroneous race belief that the activities of your life will pass away; that you will become old and feeble and finally be forced to give up your body because it is worn out, these limited thoughts of life will hold you in bondage. Deny these limited thoughts, and be free. Life’s activities will not pass away for you, unless you expect them to do so. Old age will not come into your experience if you persist in seeing the pure everywhere present, incorruptible life of God manifesting itself in your flesh, and then live according to the law of life and Truth. Affirm:
and I am satisfied with His harmonious life,
which is now being manifested in me as strength,
purity, beauty, wholeness, perfection, and eternal youth.
Meditate on the above thought and let it do its restoring, transforming work in and for you.
Affirm and Accept your Youthfulness!
Following are some splendid Truth statements to affirm in realizing that you may abide in the consciousness and manifestation of youth:
The cleansing waters of the Christ life now dissolve and wash away all accretions of false thoughts and conditions, and I am made new in both mind and body.
The rejuvenating power of the Holy Spirit is now at work in every cell and fiber of my being, making my flesh pure, fresh, and radiant with divine life and wholeness.
The invigorating, rejuvenating Christ life is now active in me, filling me with youth, vitality, strength and energy.
Day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment, I am growing stronger, healthier, and more youthful.
I am alive forevermore in the vitalizing energy of the Christ Spirit.
There is no waste or lack in the never-changing life of God. The Christ Mind now conserves and directs the life and substance in me to the building of my pure, incorruptible body that shall endure forever.
Read more about spiritual healing here.
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