“As He (man) thinks in his heart so is he.”
By the “heart” in this scripture, we mean the subconscious mind. The reason why so called good people have serious diseases and various kinds of troubles in much the same way that other people experience them, is no mystery when you realize that the race as a whole has not even known of the existence of the great subconscious realm of their being.
From ancestors, from the commonly accepted beliefs of the race, and form many other sources, error thoughts about God and man have been drawn and have been stored in the heart, and they have made the outer man [physical body] what he appears to be.
In the subconscious mind are also stored the thoughts of the past beliefs and experiences of the individual himself, and such as are erroneous must be redeemed, even as error in the conscious mind must be redeemed. When the living word of Truth is received into the consciousness, it begins its quickening, redeeming, rejuvenating work, and many things that have been hidden away in the subconscious realm come to light. These must be taken in hand and set in order.