To heal anemia, which is a seeming deficiency in the blood, a greater realization of the strength and substance of life is needed.
I believe in ever-present fullness of life, because the life in my blood is not material but spiritual.
My blood is renewed daily; it is made pure, fresh, rich and abundant by the life of Spirit.
It now manifests the spiritual substance that in reality it is, and my entire organism is built up and made strong, vigorous, and every whit whole.
The of healing cancers and tumors, calls for a cleansing of the blood and a harmonizing of the consciousness as well as a dissolving of the manifest condition. Divine love is a necessary factor in the eliminating of errors that cause these in-harmonies.
Use the following prayer:
My blood is vitalized and purified, enriched and harmonized through the loving, living presence of the life of God, which is active throughout my being.
I am regenerated, renewed, and restored to wholeness in the name and through the power of Jesus Christ.
A good word to heal false growths or swellings of any kind, declare:
The all-powerful Christ Mind in me now dissolves and dissipates every adverse thought and its resultant condition.
My body is the pure, holy, and harmonious temple of the living God, and divine order reigns throughout. I am filled with joy and thanksgiving, peace and love.