MY BODY is physical, but my spirit is of God.
Sacred healing energy enlivens and restores my body. I choose healthy, alive foods and drink fresh pure water. I am grateful for God’s powerful healing energy constantly flowing through me.
Healthy Affirmation: Radiant life energy flows through me now!
REALIZE that your nature is truly spiritual.
You are a divine creation. Stop identifying with illness and awaken to the Truth: Your true nature is of God, perfect, whole, and healthy all the time.
Healthy Affirmation: Wholeness and perfection are the truth of my being.
WHEN you or a loved one experiences a health challenge, you have the opportunity to look beyond the appearance and see the perfection of God inherent within.
Realize spiritual wholeness whether you are feeling well or unwell. You are an expression of divine life, wholeness and well-being now.
Healthy Affirmation: Right now, and always, I am whole, well and positively alive!
YOU HAVE been given a great gift – your physical body.
It is the home of your spirit and soul. Be grateful for this gift and treat your body with love and respect. Think and speak positive, uplifting ideas and words to your body. Be grateful for your wholeness and perfection in mind and in body.
Healthy Affirmation: I am grateful for my health and wholeness.
EACH CELL of your body is a universe of divine life and intelligence.
Although your well-being is enhanced by what you take into your body, healing is generated from the inside out. Stop all concern about what could be wrong with your body and affirm that is right now vibrant and alive with the life of God.
Healthy Affirmation: Through the radiant Life of God in me, I am healthy in mind, body and spirit.