The highest and best practice in healing and staying healthy is to practice the presence of God in your mind and body. Regardless of what inharmony you may experience in any part of your body, you are wise to know and affirm: There is only one Presence, one Power, and one Activity in my mind and body, God, absolute perfection.
Because the mind plays a large part in illness, it does the same in creating health and wholeness. It may take some courage and a lifting of your faith to make the above declaration, but the Truth is, your body loves for you to speak words of Truth to it and it responds accordingly. You may not be aware of this spiritualized activity, but it is helping the healing process. This is much better than focusing on pain and discouragement.
To heal your body and to keep it healthy, speak the above Positive Prayer several times. It is also powerful to be still and meditate quietly on these words of Truth.
The your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly. – Isaiah 58:8